Saturday, 6 September 2014

A Visit from Dr. Nik Elyna

21th August 2014 (Thursday)

I can’t believe how fast it was, and we were already at the end of the 3rd week of our stay in Liverpool. Today there's not much different, we went to the class as usual. The only different was that the class today was not a lecture class but was an exam support session. I love this session because we don’t have it in our university. The lecturers used this session to help us to answer the questions for the exam. They were not giving us the exam tips but was teaching us on how to set up our mindset to think and answer the question. In Malaysia, lecturers will give us the exam tips. I’m not saying that is not good but I just love the way they do it at LJMU rather than just giving us the tips.

On the evening, every house needs to prepare some food for dinner because our lecturer Dr. Nik Elyna is coming to visit our accommodation. Tonight, around 9pm Dr. Nik Elyna and her family reached our accommodation. We are so happy to see her there and of course her son and the baby. 

Written by: Phang Zi Jian